Apr 1, 1997 11:54

Submitted by Mr. Turner at MAT@aol.com

I am a teacher. I found following features to be most helpful: the interesting and professional links. Changes suggested: Please add your comments and suggestions about this page and see them posted here

Apr 17, 1997 22:17

Submitted by Nicholas William Brusky (00062) at brusky50@centuryinter.net

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: The Update on My grade, Knowing what my homework is when I am Absent Changes suggested: Give us review exercises

Apr 28, 1997 21:46

Submitted by Don Petkash, S.J. at dpetkash@prodigy.net

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: Congrats on a great page! Changes suggested: I haven't had time to explore it all, but am greatly impressed! You've gotten way ahead of me in computerese! Good luck on the Technology Plan at St. Ignatius! Hope all goes well with you. Felicitations!

May 20, 1997 21:01

Submitted by Rob Durham at durham.31@osu.edu

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: stuff about Cathedrals Changes suggested: Can you help me find something about St. Denis Cathedral? I'm starting a report on it and I think it'll be very interesting. I'm in a medival studies class at the Ohio State University.

Jun 3, 1997 10:35

Submitted by Tim Gallagher at timg@mail.nyegroup.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: the grades :) Changes suggested: No changes... the page follows an organized format and is filled with useful information.

Aug 25, 1997 16:47

Submitted by Mike at RAIN76mokney@worldnet.att.net

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: stuff Changes suggested: more stuff would be good. you could always more stuff.

Aug 31, 1997 21:24

Submitted by Michel Carney at gunner767@msn,com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested:

Sep 1, 1997 18:59

Submitted by Michael Reichard at Coonie99@aol.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Homework page Changes suggested:

Sep 2, 1997 16:17

Submitted by Christopher M. Meissner at ij782@cleveland.freenet.edu

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: The dissertation you wrote on Ebonics was quite enlightening and amusing. It makes you think! Changes suggested: I see no reason to make any changes....

Sep 4, 1997 22:37

Submitted by Eric Kessler at TfjK@msn.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Cool site Mr. Turner! Changes suggested: None, see ya Monday

Sep 7, 1997 11:31

Submitted by Michael Smith at Duckman567@aol.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: grade section Changes suggested: good web site i dont see anything that is bad

Sep 9, 1997 18:23

Submitted by Justin Kral at jeffk@NOWonline.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: grades and the weekly schedule Changes suggested: You should maybee put little comments next to each students name, adressing an issue that gives a reason for their grade and what they need to work on for next time.

Sep 14, 1997 21:16

Submitted by E.J. Ulery at

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: My grades. Changes suggested:

Sep 17, 1997 10:16

Submitted by guess who '63 at unlisted

I am a teacher. I found following features to be most helpful: internet warnings said you are not safe to view Changes suggested: more pictures from Cannes

Sep 17, 1997 21:59

Submitted by Rich Clark at rfclark@compuserve.com

I am a teacher. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested: Nice job today with the History people...beautiful homepage!

Sep 18, 1997 23:25

Submitted by Dan Flave-Novak at Danflave@aol.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested: I don't suggest any changes, I'm just a St. Ignatius student who stopped by to see your page! Good job!

Sep 21, 1997 20:47


I am a parent. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested:

Sep 27, 1997 11:35

Submitted by Kevin McKenna at mckenna@bbs2.rmrc.net

I am a teacher. I found following features to be most helpful: Terrific music, Milt. Changes suggested: none

Sep 27, 1997 23:58

Submitted by Chris Ringenbach at skiboy@pontifex.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Everything!!! Changes suggested: Use some of these better graphics on the Ignatius page.

Oct 7, 1997 16:51

Submitted by owen murphy at

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: grades, upcoming tests and quizes Changes suggested:

Oct 8, 1997 07:39

Submitted by Ray Culley '65 at RCULLEY@compuserve.com

I am a parent. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested: Truly excellent ! Nice to see Ignatius improve their site. It's also great to see links to the faculty. As far as I can tell, you're the first. Cingrats. Ray

Oct 26, 1997 11:51

Submitted by Ray Bolger '98 at www.Phr98@aol.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested:

Oct 31, 1997 11:52

Submitted by mike cosgriff at mcosgriff@ignatius.edu

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: I just started looking at it. Changes suggested:

Nov 4, 1997 08:06

Submitted by Patrick McCafferty at patrick.mccafferty@arup.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: the fact that i found in from the UK!!! Changes suggested: Hey Mr. Turner! Hi there from London, England. I grew up to be a structural engineer and I now work for an international design consultancy based in the UK. I've been here for a year and a half and I'll be heading to NYC in mid-summer. I've also been keeping up with my french classes! (my company pays for my intermediate classes -- unfortunately I haven't progressed much beyond french III) Please tell everyone on Lorain I say howdy. Au Revoir, Patrick McCafferty '90

Nov 7, 1997 23:48

Submitted by M. Trame at leofox@aol.com

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested: Alphabetical faculty list

Nov 15, 1997 14:16

Submitted by Ken Vosniak '94 at 3vq7vosniakk@vms.csd.mu.edu

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Les Articles Changes suggested: Je voudrais des links a la musique de jazz. Bonjour Monsieur Turner! Comment Ca Va? Ca va bien. Je suis 'etudiant de la quatre anee' a l'Univerite' Marquette. J' 'etudie a la college de l'ingineer (l'ingineer "biomedical"). Et aussi, je suis a la "5-Year MS/BS Program" ici; Cette annee' est la premiere des 'etudies gradue' , et aussi la finale pour la degree bachelors. Mon francais est tres mal: je ne parle jamais le francais au Milwaukee! Au revoir!

Nov 17, 1997 21:58

Submitted by Ashlei Brooks at AshShlei@AOL.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested: I thought that your web page was a great idea. It looks great, very colorful, "eye-catching!" The reason that I found it was because I was looking up something for my french class---name some U.S. cities that are french names. It was very frustrating trying to find info., I never ended up finding anything, I asked my parents. ; ) I would like to know about your class, students, etc.... maybe meet some of your students, thanks for taking the time to read this. I am from Lynnwood Wa, it's neat Seattle, about 10 min north. I hope to hear from someone soon. : ) - Merci -

Nov 19, 1997 11:19

Submitted by Napaloeon Holzheimer at holtz@en.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested:

Nov 28, 1997 14:43

Submitted by Chris Richards at

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: The Newspaper Links Changes suggested:

Dec 1, 1997 13:53

Submitted by at

I am a parent. I found following features to be most helpful: entertainment Changes suggested:

Dec 9, 1997 21:19

Submitted by Timoteo kazimir at stub83@aaol.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: The videos Changes suggested:

Dec 13, 1997 20:59

Submitted by Bert Klimer at klimerb@email.uah.edu

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: I liked the music the site played Changes suggested:

Dec 15, 1997 08:33

Submitted by Paul Zachlin at pzachlin

I am a teacher. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested: I will check it out in detail later.

Dec 21, 1997 12:09

Submitted by Ed Eucker at IggyFrLife@aol.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: nothing in particular Changes suggested: nothing

Jan 13, 1998 16:34

Submitted by George Rofail '97 at gsr3@po.cwru.edu

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: The links and the online prayers. Changes suggested: No changes. Keep up the good job.

Jan 28, 1998 15:28

Submitted by Nick Chrobak '96 at chrobanj@Flyernet.Udayton.edu

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested: Just wanted to say hi. I had you for Physics my senior year!

Apr 29, 1998 12:52

Submitted by Michael Murray at mmurray@ameritech.net

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: The Grades Changes suggested: None

May 13, 1998 16:31

Submitted by The Shadow at lcranston@shadow.net

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: Music Changes suggested: none

Jul 11, 1998 04:06

Submitted by Mark Havrilla at mehavrilla@ucdavis.edu

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested: Hey Mr. Turner! I must say that your homepage is quite impressive!! It seems that you've been a seminal player in the St. Ignatius web page.... which I must say has brought back some memories! Thanks! --Mark Havrilla '91

Aug 16, 1998 14:43

Submitted by Brad DeGrandis '91 at strbrdoar@aol.com

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: 'Interesting Sites' Changes suggested: Dis, Prof Turner! Two Thumbs Up! A model example of some well organized, uncluttered web pages. Great job on getting Ignatius up to par on the tech end. Couple of comments&suggestions: 'About Milton' link, Ability to download some of your fab music recordings, Where's the the "Kingdom of Turner" now anyways? Have fun, Ignatius bless.

Aug 18, 1998 17:52

Submitted by Tyler Chirdon at TyRantBug@aol.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: The articles. They tell me a little about what kind of teachers I'll have. Changes suggested: Maybe something more for freshmen or first-year language students would help, like more information about your teaching style and what to expect in your classes.

Aug 24, 1998 18:23

Submitted by Mike Laughlin at laughlin@nacs.net

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: The posting of homework and grades Changes suggested: None as yet.

Aug 24, 1998 20:42

Submitted by Richard J. Noga at kan7773251@aol.com

I am a parent. I found following features to be most helpful: just browsing. will comment at a later date. Changes suggested:

Sep 2, 1998 17:53

Submitted by Janice Washington at jwashington @ignatius.edu

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: Hi, Milt, I found some great links. I looked at the recent home sales in Los Angeles County. Changes suggested:

Sep 3, 1998 19:22

Submitted by Jim Swift at foreaneagle@hotmail.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: my grades. Changes suggested: espanol musica(mp3) less AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHS! en clase

Sep 10, 1998 21:42

Submitted by Dario Baker (I took your class I think freshman year) at Dbaker6165@yahoo.com

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: Interesting Changes suggested: Change the background music!!!

Sep 20, 1998 16:44

Submitted by Jim Swift at swift_jim@hotmail.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: good toolbars Changes suggested: Offer Ignatius.edu email forwarding for $5 a year.

Oct 12, 1998 17:48

Submitted by Joseph Croll at n/a

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: grades, published weekly, as well as homework Changes suggested: none at this moment

Dec 23, 1998 11:36

Submitted by Kevin Ledesma '94 at kevin.ledesma@airtouch.com

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: The way I can waste time in the office by looking up the web pages of my former high school teachers. Changes suggested:

Feb 2, 1999 23:47

Submitted by Aaron Brookhart '97 at brookhar@eden.rutgers.edy

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: the toolbar and the interesting links Changes suggested:

Feb 7, 1999 13:20

Submitted by Mike Tamas at Ttheman23@aol.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested:

Feb 20, 1999 16:48

Submitted by Michael Tamas at Ttheman23

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: All of the information you give. Changes suggested: I think your website is great. This is a great way to get through to your students

May 4, 1999 07:49

Submitted by at

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested:

May 7, 1999 10:37

Submitted by Mr. Turner at MAT@aol.com

I am a teacher. I found following features to be most helpful: Articles, Study Guides Changes suggested: Please let me know what you think of the newly designed site

Jun 4, 1999 15:20

Submitted by Adam W. Cottos at cottos@apk.net

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: the grades. Changes suggested: not much. The page is looking great.

Aug 19, 1999 16:43

Submitted by John Castrigano at cashtrigano@hotmail.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Classes section Changes suggested: none!

Aug 19, 1999 20:47

Submitted by Kevin Sweeney at fsksweeney@msn.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Classes and assignments Changes suggested: None at all

Sep 5, 1999 17:23

Submitted by Brian Mazanec, 4th period French III at none ( i am getting one)

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: The ease of use and self explanatory functions Changes suggested: none, it is great, and useful for a student in your class.

Sep 7, 1999 20:21

Submitted by Justin Larkin at WyclefJ69@aol.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: the links to the other great web sites that help us discover more about france. Changes suggested:

Sep 8, 1999 09:48

Submitted by Rosemary Jaris at r.jaris@worldnet.att.net

I am a parent. I found following features to be most helpful: Everything is excellent but what I like the best is the assignments listed. Changes suggested: Can audio be used for messages from you in Spanish, French? Is there a way to access audio?

Sep 8, 1999 11:32

Submitted by ed stockhausen at coolpenguin26@hotmail.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: the grades you've had listed Changes suggested: no chagnes, really. Nice easy set up vs. the frames i often see.

Sep 16, 1999 11:05

Submitted by Bobby L. Tran at Don't have one at the present moment.

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: I was able to keep track of my grades and view the homework assignments that I happen to miss. Changes suggested: You should take a picture of French II period 1 class and post the picture on your web site so that everyone knows which class is the best class in French II.

Sep 20, 1999 20:27

Submitted by Thomas Nemcek, 7th period French II at Servothegreat@yahoo.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Grades Changes suggested: more pictures

Oct 8, 1999 11:48

Submitted by Ryan Gavan 2477 at Shortbus10@juno

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: grades portion; other links provided are also helpfull Changes suggested: need to update homework page more readily, it is a week off at present, hope before Monday you can update the page, I will check. Please e-mail me the home work givin Thursday in your first period class.

Oct 20, 1999 00:57

Submitted by Alison at a_r_stein@yahoo.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Study Guide for Si Longue Lettre and AP French reviews Changes suggested: More study gruides from AP French Lit books and links to info on grammar and writting

Nov 16, 1999 05:27

Submitted by Mixu Meaux at snaaper@hotmail.com

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: Tunisia images Changes suggested: I like that there is some beaches and sea.

Dec 5, 1999 10:02

Submitted by Bob Tran at kanayda420@juno.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Finding out what Friday's homework was and seeing my grades Changes suggested: It would be nice if you would put pictures of the French II period I class on your home page.

Dec 7, 1999 10:29

Submitted by chris juris at viper28530@aol.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: the homework listing and the grades listing Changes suggested: none, i think its fine

Dec 22, 1999 07:28

Submitted by Sandy Tee Pei Sen at teepeisen@hotmail.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Articles Changes suggested: Nothing

Jan 14, 2000 12:13

Submitted by alienu at http://come.to/alienu

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested: it was nice visiting your site... maybe you'll come visit my web site too ... btw ... your guestbook supports HTML tags ... so I've let you a little gift :o)

Feb 29, 2000 18:35

Submitted by Alphonse Derus at fonzz@xoommail.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: grades and homework Changes suggested: I see no need for change. This site is very well done. A minor problem is that I can't find the IP for it. I tried the /dns command in mIRC and it won't work. I do suggest that you put a new chat that I have recently stumbled upon. I think it would be beneficial to the students because it is a voice chat and I find it rather easy to regulate. It is free and you can post as many rooms as you wish. You could allow students to use your site as a hub to have them speak their language in a designated chat. Talk to me if you are interested. It only runs on java. Your page is very well done. It's nice to have a teacher dedicated to posting a site. Thank You

Apr 10, 2000 23:33

Submitted by Kathy (Turner) Ross at KRoss11650@aol.com

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: The links, classes, guidelines. Changes suggested: The background music makes it take longer to move from one page to the next at the site. Well, on my computer anyway. Other than that, I love the site. I'm also a Spanish teacher and have a site of my own at http://www2.mdek12.state.ms.us/6600/kross

Apr 12, 2000 17:28

Submitted by Anita at dotexe@puntexe.com

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested: Look!!!Funny Phones

May 5, 2000 16:06

Submitted by Dan at Josta5@aol.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: All of it. Hoping for the Arabic to get up soon. I love arabic and can't wait to see how you present it. Changes suggested: None what so ever all are wonderful.

Sep 4, 2000 09:27

Submitted by Feral at feral@pissedagain.co.uk

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Its layout is excelent! Changes suggested: a link to my site lol...

Sep 6, 2000 07:17

Submitted by Nick Monaco at wandering365@hotmail.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested:

Sep 11, 2000 21:33

Submitted by Nate Hottinger at nhottinger@ameritech.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Finding what the homework was. Changes suggested:

Sep 22, 2000 10:04

Submitted by mat at sumat like mat@ozzieowlthebigfatbarnowlsatonaspike.co.uk

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: ???? Changes suggested: ???

Sep 24, 2000 16:40

Submitted by Joe Wyszynski at j_wyszynski@yahoo.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: newspaper links Changes suggested: none, good job on the page design and layout

Sep 25, 2000 20:29

Submitted by Jeremy Clark at Grshopper0@aol.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: the homework updates--i check them nightly to prepare for the coming week Changes suggested: make sure the homework is updated

Oct 19, 2000 14:06

Submitted by matt zeman at matty0140@aol.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: links to french newspapers Changes suggested:

Oct 22, 2000 12:13

Submitted by Jason Go at mistersmooth6@hotmail.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: the many interesting links provided and the updates in homework Changes suggested: none

Oct 30, 2000 12:08

Submitted by Katrina Hicks at teach4th@cs.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: I was just browsing everything was interesting! Changes suggested: No chnges suggested. Your web page is well displayed, and full of usefull information. I throughly enjoyed reading your responses to the Plain Dealer

Jan 29, 2001 11:04

Submitted by jason harville at Taazz86@aol.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: THe homework chart. Changes suggested: give 5th period non homework for the rest of the year.

Feb 6, 2001 17:13

Submitted by Ben D. at hivemind@prodigy.net

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Homework listings Changes suggested: The midi music is pretty annoying.

Mar 6, 2001 17:09

Submitted by Pat Brereotn at brereton.1@nd.edu

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: the letters to the editor and the Yassir Arafat picture Changes suggested: how do you pronounce 'h' in the Spanish language??

Apr 7, 2001 12:56

Submitted by dan at kids6@bellatlantic.net

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: sk8er Changes suggested:

Oct 12, 2001 12:09

Submitted by John Kappus at johnkappus@hotmail.com

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: Great links! As always a source for useful information. Changes suggested: Just wanted to say hi Mr. Turner. And thank you. I graduated in '94, and the skills you taught me have served me well. I have since graduated from St. Michaels College in Burlington Vermont, and have lived all around the country. I wish I would have maintained my french more though. Right now I am going back to relearn it all (new girlfriend from Normandie!!!) but the foundations that you helped build are still there. I am now living back here in Cleveland. I would like to buy you a cup of coffee someday to thank you in person for your part in my education. Anyway, I hope all is well. PEACE John Kappus

Oct 17, 2001 05:19

Submitted by Bryce at personal, sorry.

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: Arabic numerals - Shukran JAZEELAN for not calling English numerals, Arabic numerals!! Changes suggested: None at all! Outstanding!!

Dec 11, 2001 17:27

Submitted by Victoria J Reeder, PhD at vjreeder@msn.com

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested: I am trying to contact Imam Fawaz Damra of Cleveland, Ohio; if you can tell me how to reach him I would be very grateful. Sincerely, Vicki Reeder

Feb 3, 2002 16:11

Submitted by Megan at LoveBubbles2525@aol.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: The pictures Changes suggested: Not to put all that stuff at the bottom of the page.

Feb 12, 2002 10:16

Submitted by Moira O'Riordan at moriordan@ignatius.edu

I am a teacher. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested: Milton, I loved your response to Dick Feagler! Very Fiery! Cool site.

Jul 26, 2002 15:50

Submitted by tiana at tianamarie143@aol.com

I am a teacher. I found following features to be most helpful: interesting Changes suggested: make easier

Aug 20, 2002 18:45

Submitted by Chula Disciple 1 at Kitkat1367@hotmail.com

I am a teacher. I found following features to be most helpful: Mr. Turner's charm, wit and piety. Changes suggested: Where are all the smart-ass comments like I heard in the Land of Chula?

Aug 27, 2002 22:24

Submitted by Peter North at ddeea12@aol.com

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: the picture of the arafat Changes suggested: to be more indepth security as to accompany passers-by in indecisive movements they may accomplice in conclusion to their seclusion by retaining flamboyant material

Nov 21, 2002 09:57

Submitted by Ed Grauel at egmail01@yahoo.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: all information is available and homework is easy to retrieve Changes suggested:

Dec 7, 2002 19:31

Submitted by Qad Kaiser at --

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: foreign language options Changes suggested:

Jan 29, 2003 17:13

Submitted by jasmin at mesija_jasmin@yahoo.de

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: messiah Changes suggested:

Jan 29, 2003 19:14

Submitted by Jennifer Crain at mademoisellecrain@hotmail.com

I am a teacher. I found following features to be most helpful: everything! Changes suggested: I'd like to commend you on your website! I am so impressed! I was looking for some inspirational lessons on imparfait/pc and I stumbled upon your website. Congratulations on a great dedication to the education of young men.

Jan 30, 2003 21:15

Submitted by Billy "Chinstrap" at Chinstrap@aol.com

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: The pictures of Alan Keyes Changes suggested: I think that it would be appropriate to have pictures of more distinguished people than Mr. Keyes. You need pictures distinguished human beings with mullets and chinstraps.

Jan 30, 2003 21:25

Submitted by Mr. Tracie "Splinter" at splintercell@aol.com

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: people lookin out for others in lunch room and my help of the tmnt especially raphael and donatelo Changes suggested: to add a section that shows people without mustashes, and also to display a section with many colors that would make all the gay people in the community feel welcome, also the music should be changed to something like michael jackson thriller since this is my favorite song. i like animals

Jan 30, 2003 21:27

Submitted by Daniel Evans at KeeblerELf@aol.com

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: nothing this site is upsurd Changes suggested: Musicals to be in person and not to be in video format, also i would like to attach my privates to the keyboard and get shocked

Jan 30, 2003 21:36

Submitted by frank the raccoon at FTR@aol.com

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: the unopened coke bottle Changes suggested: to open the stupid coke bottle also i am very disgruntled at the fact that there is not enough information on photography and someones traditional pose and links to the where's waldo pages

May 13, 2003 19:17

Submitted by andrew s. michalko at alimpbiz25@aol.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested: hey mr. t. i felt bad that no one signed your guestbook in awhile so here it is... enjoy...

May 17, 2003 07:06

Submitted by tatu at tatu@hotmail.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: saddf Changes suggested: This site is very nice. www.istanbulhotels.tv www.allantalyahotels.net www.allturkeyhotel.com

Jun 16, 2003 01:27

Submitted by HURARD at info@aol.com

I am a visitor. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested: FELICITACION POUR SU EXCELANTE TRABAJO. SALUDO DEL PARAGUAY http://www.softcha.com

Jun 23, 2003 21:04

Submitted by Lolita at lolita-de-boure@france.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: Changes suggested: Greetings from Paris,how are you?

Jul 21, 2003 19:19

Submitted by antoine marc steele at tmarc_4@yahoo.com

I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: the tunes! Changes suggested: no changes! just dropping by to say hello. hope all is well.