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Click on any word to hear "welcome" in that language. (Requires RealPlayer®).

Congratulations 2005 State Champion Soccer Team!

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What's New?

bullet2005 The Year of Languages- web site sponsored by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) to celebrate The Year of LanguagesAP French Literature E-Text Pilot Project and Modern Languages Wireless Computer Cart student using technology in the classroom

Un moment d'humour: A video "tribute" by my French III students from May 1998 (Requires RealPlayer®).


Updated! Read the latest results with the complete data for student and faculty technology surveys from 1996 to date as well as a a comparison of student grades for WWW influence.


2002 Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar Abroad in Thailand and Vietnam- complete photo galleries


Visit www.terezw.com.


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Click here for student projects, student TV news broadcasts, student talk shows, French III Oral Finals, Spanish I Oral Finals, student video contest winners, and French history presentations. The history presentations are also available in HTML. Also view RealVideo® welcome messages in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic

bulletNational AP Scores for the French, Spanish, and German Language and Literature exams 1995-2000.

View a collection of web sites I have created and earlier versions of this site at the web development page.


Visit the Modern Languages home page at www.ignatius.edu/modlang/!  It includes an introduction to numbers in Arabic and information on the world's most widely spoken languages.


Click here to see a listing of various articles containing my thoughts on a variety of issues.


Photo gallery of Canada, France, Martinique, Monaco, Morocco, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Venezuela, and Vietnam.

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Images of the World

Saint Denis
Statue of St. Denis on the façade of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris; The Café de Paris in Monte Carlo, Monaco; Glass Pyramid entrance to the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.

1993 Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar participants with PLO President Yassir Arafat in Tunis, Tunisia

MATWebs logoInformation on professional web development available at the MATWebs site.

Visitors to this page since November 23, 1996  counter

 I am a member of The HTML Writers Guild and IPPA Associate

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Copyright © 1999 Milton Alan Turner
Last modified: August 07, 2004